The value of regular preventive health assessments: A patient’s story
A Preventive Health Assessment can be a helpful way to stay accountable for your own health goals. You can learn what risk factors for certain diseases you may have that you might be able to do something about.
For Susan Byrne, a Preventive Health Assessment (PHA) at TELUS Health Care Centres was the beginning of creating a healthy routine that has had noticeable results ever since. This assessment helps you understand the status of your health so you can mitigate any health risks.
A holistic approach to potential risk
“The main topic discussed after my (PHA) was my cardiovascular risk,” she says. Byrne had a higher risk for cardiovascular conditions than other women her age, mainly because her cholesterol and blood pressure were considered high.
Byrne describes her healthcare professional as someone with a great demeanor who was both friendly and efficient, and who clearly loves what she does.
“I really appreciated her style and approach,” she says. “I shared with her that I suspected these results had a lot to do with certain habits — good ones that had slipped, and bad ones that had crept in over the course of the pandemic.”
“I had reasonably healthy eating habits before,” shares Byrne. “But I also knew what my downfalls were. Portion control, especially at dinner, late-night snacking and weekend indulgences were among them. I’ve also got a bit of a sweet tooth.”
After learning more about her cardiovascular risk factors it was time to draw in on specific expertise from the multidisciplinary team at TELUS Health Care Centres, including a dietitian.
“My dietitian assessed my eating habits, and took the time to walk me through some practical adjustments that I could incorporate into my daily routine right away,” she says.
With a clear plan, Byrne began to take steps to improve her health.
A sense of accountability
For Byrne, one of the most helpful parts of the process was the accountability that came with scheduled follow-up appointments. Four and a half months after building her action plan, she had a follow-up appointment for blood tests. “I was nervous. I seriously considered postponing to give myself the best chance of improved results, but ultimately I decided I should go ahead as scheduled. It was the best way to know if this plan was working and could be effective for me.”
Byrne says that benefitting from a proactive and caring team has been an extremely positive experience. “I’m really proud of myself for lowering my risk factors by being proactive about my health.”
“I found the Preventive Health Assessment to be an incredibly valuable tool to encourage prioritizing my health and identifying problems as early as possible.”
Stay proactive about your health with a Preventive Health Assessment
For Byrne, the most important benefit of an annual Preventive Health Assessment is being able to be proactive with her health, both in the short and long term.
“An annual PHA has encouraged discipline in me. It’s a reminder, as well as a source of direction, for taking the necessary steps I need to take to optimize my health. I like being able to have this Preventive Health Assessment done on an annual basis so that it can also serve as a helpful reality check as I move through different stages of my life.”
To find out more about your current health and how you may benefit from the preventive approach of a multidisciplinary team, book a Preventive Health Assessment at one of the TELUS Health Care Centres today.
Name of the patient has been changed to protect their privacy.
*These recommendations were made for a specific client based on their unique situation and may not apply to everyone. This article is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. For medical advice, please speak with your doctor. Service coverage offered under the Preventive Health Assessment are strictly for uninsured services and not publicly insured services. Publicly insured services will be billed to the provincial insurance plan by TELUS Health Care Centres and not the client or eligible individual. Purchase of the Preventive Health Assessment is not a condition to access insured physician services. Some components of the assessment may vary depending upon protocol and College regulations.