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The four dimensions of women’s health

Woman sitting at desk with laptop

This is part two of a two part series. Read part one.

Self and family care.

Did you know that more than half of women aged 15 and older provide some form of care to children and care-dependent adults, whether paid or unpaid? What’s more, women's earnings make up a larger share of family income than ever before.

The pressures women and female-identifying people face at work and at home are compounding. Here are some ways to help ensure you have the space to accommodate the demands that compete for your time and attention.

1. Make time and space for self-care.

When stress catches up with you, it can be hard to support others. One of the best ways to restore yourself is with simple, effective self-care practices.

These can include exercise, better sleeping habits, fulfilling hobbies, and positive self-talk. Start with small, daily changes to your lifestyle, and always lead with self-compassion.

2. Set boundaries at home and work.

Many women feel their contributions at work are less valued than those of their male counterparts. They tend to take on a lot of invisible labour, such as creating a more positive work environment.

Take a moment to think about how you go above and beyond, and learn to protect your time, health, and energy. Advocate for yourself when you put in extra effort, but remember that you can’t do everything — nor should you have to.

3. You can share the caregiving burden.

The “sandwich generation” refers to people who are caring for children and parents — a double responsibility that can be exhausting. Remember that your TELUS Health Virtual Care account also includes support for your immediate family members1, so you don’t have to figure everything out on your own

Those with an employee assistance program through TELUS Health can also receive support in locating  child and elder care services.

4. Recognize burnout before it strikes.

McKinsey reports that 43 per cent of women leaders are experiencing burnout, which is characterized by exhaustion resulting from work-related stress and a lack of motivation and career satisfaction.

If you realize that you no longer feel excited or engaged by activities that once brought you accomplishment or fulfillment, then it’s critical to double down on those self-care strategies.

Additionally, talk with your supervisor about the challenges you’re facing. There may be opportunities to reduce your workload or share responsibilities.

5. Stay in touch with your circle of care.

Caring is mutual. You have people who depend on you, but you also have friends, family, and care providers you can lean on. Keep close with those who matter most because they can lift you up when your spirits are low — or hold you accountable as you build new self-care habits.

For additional support, log into your TELUS Health Virtual Care account to connect with nurse practitioners and mental health specialists2 who can help support your mental wellbeing.

Prioritize yourself to take better care of others.

TELUS Health Virtual Care provides access to professionals who can empower, advise, and support you in enhancing your health and wellbeing. Help is accessible across Canada whenever you need it — because to be a champion for others, you need to first be a champion for yourself.

1  Immediate family members include your spouse and dependent children under age 26.

2 Appointments with mental health specialists incur additional fees, which may be eligible for reimbursement through your employee benefits.